Automobile maintenance schedule follow-up

Be proactive and increase your sales per customer with our maintenance follow-up program

With Konductö

relance au service avec konducto with konducto Automobile maintenance schedule follow-up

Without Konductö

relance au service sans Konducto without konducto Automobile maintenance schedule follow-up
relance au service bon de commande work order Automobile maintenance schedule follow-up

Our vehicle service maintenance schedule follow-up program will drive you more customers in your service drive by reducing the customers service intervals and increasing loyalty.

Loyal customers buy more over time, reducing your cost per transaction, so you gradually get a better return on investment. Not to mention that your loyal customers refer more customers to you. Loyalty programs are a profitable investment!

1 loyal customer becomes

1 profitable marketing channel.

How much can it represent for your dealership?

Contact us for a submission request